Mental & Emotional Health

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lesson I Part II- The Basic Diamond: Interlacing

Mastering the Basic Diamond - the interlacing

The next step is filling or interlacing the foundation or the skeleton.

Note: I will be using the terms filling and interlacing interchangeably. So too the terms foundation and skeleton.

Bring the needle up between 1 and 8 as in the picture.

Pass the needle
over 1 and under D
over B and under 2 = Line A1 is formed
over 3 and under A = goes around corner.

Over C and under 4 = Line B1 formed
Over 5 and under B = goes around the next corner.

Over B1

Over D and under 6 = Line C1 is formed
Over 7 and under C = goes around the next corner

Over C1 and under A1
Over A and under 8 = back to the starting point wherein the needle is inserted back into the fabric.

Points to remember:
1. Except at the starting point and at the end, the needle is only passed under or over previously laid thread.
2. You can count upto 4 parallel lines in any direction in this motif. Observe that if the odd numbered threads are under line A, then the even numbered threads are over line A and vice versa. The same is true for lines B, C and D also.

This again is a very important step. It should be perfected before moving on to the Maltese Cross.


  1. Dear Madam,

    There is a difference between the pictures you have posted in Lesson Part 1 And Part 2.
    In part 1, the point 8 is down between row 1-2, whereas the pic in Part 2 is different. I am not able to do the interlace. Kindly clarify.

  2. Dear Vijayalakshmi,
    Thank you for pointing it out. At least 2o of my students went through my notes before I finally posted it and none could make this out - probably because they already knew the method.
    A lot of readers have also learnt Kutchwork from here - again I suppose they only went throught the diagram.

    I'll see what I can do to correct it.

    As for your interlacing, position the diamond the same way it is in the picture in Part 2 - the overs and unders should be exactly as it is in the picture.

    If you have any further trouble, let me know.

    I will make the relevant changes within the week.
    Thank you once again.

  3. I used to know how to do sindhi karhai ages ago but since I did not pursue it , I complete forgot how to do the intricate knot. Thanks to your tutorial ,I have regained my forgotten skill.

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    thanks for the tutorial.i was really waiting for such lessons at home.i hope you will go ahead with the lessons.

  5. Shikha3:05 PM

    very nice and clear tutorial. thanks for the effort.

  6. Dear Ms.Bhavani Haririshnan,

    Thanks for this blog! I really appreciate the thoughtfulness in conveying each steps in stitching especially with a detailed photograph! Really great!! Thanks a lot for putting up a wonderful blog like this. It was really helpful.

    Best wishes and regards,
    Maria Mathews.

  7. can u please put a tutorial on 3 diamond motif...not just a three diamond but a continuous one....i want to do it in a saree...

  8. I have a job now. But let me see what I can do. Maybe if I can spend a a couple of hours during the kind... But first what do you mean by 3 diamond? can you draw a rough sketch and mail it to me at

  9. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Hi Bhavani,
    i'm new to kutch work.i cnt understand the interlacing work.before filling can you please clear the numberings and labels(say A,B,etc...)once again?

  10. Hi anonymous, you'll find the numbering in Lesson 1 Part I. You'll find the link in the side bar.
